Real Estate
There are many factors to consider when buying and selling real estate in Illinois, especially in today’s market. It is important to have an attorney that is watching out for you to make sure that you are getting proper tax prorations, ensuring that you are receiving clear and marketable title, and protecting you from any hidden liability. Judy Maldonado has handled hundreds of real estate closings, including numerous short sales and foreclosures, and can walk you through your sale or purchase of real estate, from the beginning of the process all the way through your closing. Call today to find out about our reasonable closing fees and to see how we can help you with all of your real estate needs.
Estate Planning
At some point in each person’s life, there comes a time when you think about what will happen to your family and to your assets when you are no longer here. If you have young children, who do you want to raise them if something were to happen to you? Who do you want to have your most precious possessions when you’re not here to enjoy them yourself? Planning your estate will help you to feel at ease, knowing that your loved ones will be cared for and that your assets that you have worked so hard for will be given to the people or entities that mattered most to you during your lifetime. Call today to talk about your plans for the future and how you can plan ahead so that you can rest easy.